Inv. 3 A
Museum's opinion 2014: Northern Italy, 1st half of the 15th century.
Polychromy - Gilding
Traces of polychromy: red, green (trees), black (inscriptions)
Carved on all sides.
Object Condition
Missing: a few decorative parts.
Medici collection (transferred from Palazzo Pitti to the Guardaroba generale of the Palazzo Vecchio on 10 December 1780; from 24 January 1781, returned to the Real Galleria); came to the museum on 1865.
A. Campani, Guida per il visitatore del R. Museo Nazionale nell'antico palazzo del Potestà in Firenze (Florence, 1884), pp. 106-107.
J. von Schlosser, 'Elfenbeinsättel des ausgehenden Mittelalters', in Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses, 15 (1894), pp. 260-294, no. 19, fig. 11. Fully accessible online as part of the Heidelberger historische Bestände: [accessed 24/07/2013].
I. B. Supino, Catalogo del R. Museo Nazionale di Firenze (Rome, 1898), p. 373.
M. Verő, 'Bemerkungen zu den beinsätteln aus der Sigismundzeit', in Sigismundus rex et imperator : Kunst und Kultur zur Zeit Sigismunds von Luxemburg 1387-1437, exhibition catalogue, Budapest and Luxemburg, 2006, pp. 270-278 (p. 271, fig. 3 and p. 278, no. 24).
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