Inv. 84
Courting couple (meeting of lovers); lady crowning her kneeling lover with a chaplet; trees.
Corner terminals: crouching monsters.
Koechlin 1924: France, 1st half of the 14th century.
Lenza 1990: France, 2nd quarter of the 14th century.
Back turned with a depression for (missing) mirror.
Object Condition
Border chipped at the top.
Collection of canon Angelo Maria Bandini (b. 1726, d. 1803) which he displayed from 1797 in the church of Sant'Ansano; at his death, he gave his collection to the Capitole of Fiesole and the Museo Bandini moved to a dedicated building in 1913.
R. Koechlin, Les Ivoires gothiques français (Paris, 1924), I, pp. 33, 378; II, no. 998.
O. H. Giglioli, Fiesole. Catalogo delle opere d'arte e d'antichità d'Italia (Rome, 1933), p. 189.
M. C. Bandera Viani, Fiesole. Museo Bandini (Bologna, 1981), p. 9.
Il Museo Bandini a Fiesole, dir. by A. Lenza (Florence, 1990), no. 3.
M. Scudieri, Il Museo a Fiesole (Florence, 1993), room 1, no. 4.
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