Inv. P 604
Register 1: Annunciation. Virgin (part of Visitation).
Register 2: Adoring Magi (part of Adoration of the Magi).
Wiegand 1905: French, Gothic.
Traces of two missing ring hinges on the right side.
Flat and smooth.
Blue and white label with cancelled inscription '28' and a later inscription '209'.
Object Condition
Missing: upper part of the panel, including the gable.
One hole in the middle of the panel to the left, which must have corresponded to the clasp which kept the polyptych closed.
This panel was formerly the outer left wing of a polyptych which closed on an image of the Virgin and Child. The inner left wing would have featured Elizabeth on the first register and the third Magus on the second register.
Acquired by the museum before 1904.
J. Wiegand, Führer durch das Diözesan-Museum zu Trier (Trier, 1905), p. 43.
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