Inv. F 46
Darcel and Basilewski 1874: France, end of the 13th century.
Kube 1925: France, 14th century.
Leningrad 1973 [Kryzhanovskaya]: France, 3rd quarter of the 14th century.
Erbach 1993: French, 3rd quarter of the 14th century.
Kryzhanovskaya 2014: France, 3rd quarter of the 14th century.
Two hinges.
Polychromy - Gilding
Traces of polychromy and gilding: green and brown.
Flat and smooth. Longer edges chamfered.
Object Condition
Two holes in the upper part for hanging; visible from the back, exiting in the upper border. Minor cracks.
Missing: part of the lower border of the right wing (later ivory repair).
Collection of Louis Fidel Debruge-Duménil (b. 1788, d. 1838), Paris, before 1838. Collection of J. Labarte, Paris, before 1850; collection of Prince Petr Soltykoff (b. c. 1801, d. 1889), Paris, 1850-1861: his sale, Paris, Drouot, 8-10, 15-17, 22-24, 29 April and 1 May 1861, lot 242 (bought Jacob). Collection of Alexander Petrovich Basilewski (b. 1829, d. 1899), Paris, from 1865; acquired by the Museum in 1885.
J. Labarte, Description des objets d'art qui composent la collection Debruge-Duménil (Paris, 1847), no. 157.
Exposition de 1865 au Palais de l'industrie, Union centrale des beaux-arts appliqués à l'industrie (Paris, 1866), no. 330.
A. Darcel, A. P. Basilewski, Collection Basilewski. Catalogue raisonné (Paris, 1874), no. 101.
J. O. Westwood, Fictile Ivories in the South Kensington Museum (London, 1876), p. 407.
N. Kondakov, Императорский Эрмитажъ. Указатель отделенія среднихъ вековъ и эпохи возрожденія [Guide to the Department of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance of the Imperial Hermitage] (Saint Petersburg, 1891), no. 48, p. 157.
R. Koechlin, 'Quelques ateliers d'ivoiriers français aux XIII et XIVe siècles. III. L'atelier des diptyques de la Passion', in Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 35 (1906), pp. 49-62 (p. 56).
O. Pelka, Elfenbein (Berlin, 1920), p. 196.
A. N. Kube, Reznaia kost'. Katalog [Ivory Carvings Catalogue Hermitage], (Leningrad [Saint-Petersburg], 1925), no. 74.
M. J. Kryzhanovskaya, Einige Aspekte zur Erforschung der angewandten Kunst des Mittelalters im 19. Jahrhundert (Leningrad [Saint-Petersburg], 1977), p. 9.
V. Berezina, N. Livshits, Putevoditel' po zalam Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha. Iskusstvo Zapadnoi Evropy XII-XX vv. (Leningrad [Saint Petersburg, 1960], p. 18.
L. I. Faenson, M. Y. Kryzhanovskaya, E. A. Lapkovskaya, Западноевропейская резная кость IX - XIX веков из собрания Эрмитажа: каталог выставки (Leningrad [Saint-Petersburg], 1973), no. 180.
Westeuropäische Elfenbeinarbeiten aus der Eremitage Leningrad, exhibition catalogue, Berlin-Köpenick, Kunstgewerbemuseum, 1974, no. 83.
M. Kryzhanovskaya, Nekotorye aspekty sobiratel'stva i issledovaniia pamiatnikov prikladnogo iskusstva srednevekov'ia v XIX v., in Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha (Leningrad [Saint Petersburg], 1977), Vol. 18, p. 9.
Christliche westeuropäische Elfenbeinkunst 13.-18. Jahrhundert aus der Eremitage Sankt Petersburg, exhibition catalogue, Erbach, Deutschen Elfenbeinmuseum, 6 April 1993 -6 January 1994, no. 9.
M. Kryzhanovskaya, Western European Medieval Ivories. Catalogue of the Collection (Зaпaднoeврoпeйскaя рeзнaя кoстъ Срeдних вeкoв. Кataлoг кoллeкции), (Saint Peterburg, 2014), no. 92.
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