Seated Virgin and Child; Christ in long robe; Christ seated on the Virgin's left knee; brooch.
Koechlin 1924 and Paris 1950: France, beginning of the 2nd quarter of the 13th century.
New York 1970: Northern France, c. 1220.
Cleveland 1967: Northern France, 2nd quarter of 13th century.
Senlis 1987: c. 1230, Paris region, Oise.
Sandron 1993: Northern France, Mosan (Reims, Chartres), c. 1220-1230. Possibly part of a group depicting the Adoration of the Magi.
Holbert 1997-1998: 1st quarter of the 13th century.
Saint-Omer and Paris 2013: Liège, c. 1220.
Polychromy - Gilding
Traces of gilding and polychromy. Several layers, the two most recent ones being 19th century (see Cascio and Levy in Sandron 1993, pp. 54-56 for more details). Motifs on the cloak including medallions with eagles.
Carved in the round.Engraved plaque with inscription: 'Vierge processionnelle de l'Abbaye d'Ourscamp près Noyon sculptée sous le règne de Philippe Auguste conservée jusqu'à la révolution dans ce monastère cédée en MDCCCLVI par George Combrouse numismatiste de Paris à Benjamin Fillon numismatiste de Fontenay-Vendée et donnée par ce dernier à Josephine Joussemet sa mère.' (probably added when the piece was in the possession of Fillon, in the 2nd half of the 19th century).
Object Condition
Missing: left hand of Christ; sceptre or flower originally held by the Virgin.
Said to have been kept at the cistercian abbey of Ourscamp (near Noyon, Oise) until 1789; sold in 1856 by George Combrouse to Benjamin Fillon (no. 249) (see engraved inscription on a silver plaque on the reverse); sold in 1882 to the Dutuit brothers, Paris; Dutuit bequest in 1902.
Exposition universelle, exhibition catalogue, Paris, 1867, no. 1742.
Exposition universelle, Paris, 1878, p. 195.
A. Darcel, 'Le Moyen-Age et la Renaissance au Trocadéro', in Gazette des Beaux-Arts, (1878), p. 283 (repr. on p. 287; belonged then to B. Fillon).
P. Eudel, L'Hôtel Drouot et la curiosité en 1883 (Paris, 1883), II, p. 149 (Fillon sale described).
E. Molinier, Histoire générale des Arts appliqués à l'Industrie. I: Les Ivoires (Paris, 1896), p. 183.
F. Marcou, 'La Collection Dutuit', in Gazette des Beaux-Arts (1903), I, p. 137.
G. Cain, La Collection Dutuit au Petit-Palais des Champs-Élysées (Paris, 1903), pl. XXII.
G. Cain, La Collection Dutuit. Histoire de la collection, 3 vols (Paris, 1903), vol. 1, p. 29.
H. Lapauze, Catalogue sommaire des collections Dutuit. Notice Historique sur les Frères Dutuit (Paris, 1907), no. 1274, p. 246.
La Collection Dutuit: cent planches reproduisant les principales oeuvres d'art exposées au Petit Palais des Champs-Élysées [Paris, 1908], I, pl. XXI.
R. Koechlin, Les Ivoires gothiques français (Paris, 1924),I, p. 50; II, no. 7; III, pl. III.
L. Grodecki, Ivoires français (Paris, 1947), p. 81, pl. XXI.
La Vierge dans l'art français, exhibition catalogue, Paris, Petit Palais, 1950, no. 239.
Hommage aux grands donateurs du Petit Palais, exhibition catalogue, Paris, Petit Palais, 1958, pl. 16.
W. D. Wixom, Treasures of Medieval France, exhibition catalogue, Cleveland, The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1967, no. IV 15.
The Year 1200, A Centennial Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, exhibition catalogue, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1970, no. 57.
La France de Saint-Louis, exhibition catalogue, Paris, Conciergerie, 1970, no. 95.
W. Sauerländer, 'The Year 1200, Exhibition Review', in The Art Bulletin, LIII, no. 4 (December 1971), p. 511.
D. Sandron, 'La Sculpture en ivoire au début du XIIIe siècle: d'un monde à l'autre', in Revue de l'Art, 102 (1993), pp. 48-59, figs. 1-2.
Le Petit Palais de l'Antiquité au début du XXe siècle, exhibition catalogue, Paris, Petit Palais, 1980 (unpaginated).
De Hugues Capet à Saint-Louis, les Capétiens et Senlis, exhibition catalogue, Senlis, 1987, no. 66.
K. Holbert, 'The Vindication of a Controversial Early Thirteenth-Century Vierge ouvrante in the Walters Art Gallery', in Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 55-56 (1997-1998), pp. 101-121, fig. 7.
Une renaissance. L'art entre Flandre et Champagne, 1150-1250, exhibition catalogue, Saint-Omer, Musée de l'Hôtel Sandelin, 5 April-30 June 2013 and Paris, Musée de Cluny, 17 April-15 July 2013, no. 103 (M. Gil).
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