Doubting Thomas (the incredulity of saint Thomas).
Brickwork. Crosshatched background. Pinnacles.
Randall 1993: Flemish, 1430-1460.
Polychromy - Gilding
Extensive traces of polychromy and gilding: halos, architectural details, hair (black), grass (green), hems (gold).
Collection of Achillito Chiesa, Milan & New York: his sale, American Art Association, New York, 16-17 April 1926 (Part III), lot 323. Collection of Lillian Henkel Haass, Detroit (Michigan): given by her to the Institute in 1937.
R. H. Randall, The Golden Age of Ivory: Gothic Ivory Carvings in North American Collections (New York, 1993), no. 165.
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