Courting couples (meeting of lovers); youth chucking his lover under the chin; couple in the background; youth with a hawk on his wrist; walled city; couples on the city walls; trees.
Pointed trefoils.
Koechlin 1924: France, late 14th century.
This tablet was probably part of the same set as another one (Koechlin 1181) also in an unknown location (see related object).
A cast was made of this piece in the 19th century and the image on this screen is of this cast and not of the original.
Formerly Krieg von Hochfelden collection (inscription on a cast of this piece formerly in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, as noted by Koechlin).
R. Koechlin, Les Ivoires gothiques français (Paris, 1924), I, p. 443; II, no. 1182.
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