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Secular. Hunting scene.
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Zagreb, Muzej Mimara
Inv. ATM 2443
Silver and enamel (later fittings, probably early 15th century);walrus ivory
Width: 65mm (diameter) Length: 495 mm
The decoration is arranged in eight strips.
Side 1
Strip 1: animals; acanthus leaves; fox stealing a goose.
Strip 2: hunter holding a spear; couple (?); hunters hunting a stag.
Strip 3: acanthus leaves; hunter blowing a horn; dogs; return from the hunt; hunter carrying hares on a pole; couple (?).
Top strip: hybrid monsters; dragons; acanthus leaves.
Side 2
Strip 1: bears; lion attacking a monster; oak leaves.
Strip 2: acanthus leaves; dragons; hybrid monsters hiding behind leaves; hares.
Strip 3: eagles fighting; monkeys and a child; children riding hobby-horses; bird watching while her young hatch; pelican piercing her chest to feed her young with her own blood.
Bottom strip: vine with grapes.
Enamelled bands decorated with foliated scrolls.
Guide 2003 and Ribičić-Županić 2008: England, 1st half of the 14th century.
Museum's opinion 2013: English, 1st half of the 14th century.
Carved in the round.
'lately in the possession of a noble English family' (Maskell 1872). Collection of Ante Topić Mimara (b. 1898, d. 1987): donated to the Museum in 1986; the Museum opened to the public in 1987.
W. Maskell, Ivories Ancient and Mediaeval in the South Kensington Museum (London, 1872), p. ci.
W. Topić-Mersmann, Gotički Lovački rog od Morževe kljove - Ein gotisches Jagdhorn aus Walrosszahn, Studije Muzeja Mimara 5 (Zagreb, 1990).
Guide Muzej Mimara, ed. by T. Lukšić (Zagreb, 2003), no. 146.
Imaginarni svijet zagonetnih predmeta od bjelokosti, kosti i rožina - The Enigmatic Imagery of Ivory, Horn, Antler and Bone Artefacts, ed. by A. Ribičić-Županić (Zagreb, 2008), no. 19.
P. Williamson and G. Davies, Medieval Ivory Carvings 1200-1550 (London, 2014), in relation to no. 251.
© Muzej Mimara, Zagreb.
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