Inv. 108 C
Register 1: Last Judgement with Resurrection of the Dead (Christ in Glory); angels holding Instruments of the Passion (rugged cross; nails; spear); Virgin Mary and saint John the Baptist kneeling; two musician angels blowing trumpets; souls rising from their tombs under an arch.
Register 2: Betrayal (Taking of Christ; Kiss of Judas); Christ restores Malchus' ear, cut by saint Peter; saint John the Evangelist with a martyr's palm; woman holding a lantern (Hedroit?); soldier in armour holding a halberd. B
order of dentils. Crosshatched background above the arches.
Chiesi 2011: France (North ?), 1360-1380.
Traces of two missing hinges on the left side.
Flat and smooth. Cracks and holes.
Object Condition
Cavities for the original hinges have been repaired with carved replacements.
The left wing of this diptych is also in the Museo Nazionale del Bargello (Inv. 107 C).
Carrand collection: bequeathed by Louis Carrand (d. 1888) to the Museo del Bargello in 1888.
I. B. Supino, Catalogo del R. Museo Nazionale di Firenze (Rome, 1898), pp. 231-232, no. 108.
B. Chiesi, Catalogo degli avori gotici del Museo Nazionale del Bargello (unpublished PhD thesis - Università degli Studi di Firenze, 2011), pp. 369-376.
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