Annunciation; vase of lilies; dove of the Holy Spirit.
Crouching monster at the base of the volute.
Foliated decoration: vine leaf or ivy leaf.
Giusti 1999: France (?), 19th century (?).
Carved on all sides.
Sotheby's, London, 29 March 1979, lot 39. Acquired on the art market in Paris by Amedeo Lia.
Kunstschätze aus Münchner Privatbesitz, Ausstellung zur Hundert-Jahr-Feier des Münchener Altertumsvereins, exhibition catalogue, Munich, Stadtmuseum, 1864-1865, no. 183.
P. Giusti in Museo Civico Amedeo Lia: Sculture e oggetti d'arte (I cataloghi del Museo Civico Amedeo Lia), ed. by M. Ratti and A. Marmori (La Spezia, 1999), no. 2.18.
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