Inv. R 25000
Standing figure with a hawk on his or her wrist.
Bencard 1975: 14th century.
Carved in the round.
Object Condition
Missing: head; lower part at the back.
Found at the intersection of Grønnegade and Praestegade in Ribe in 1956, during archaeological excavations.
M. Bencard, ‘Om et middelalderligt knivskaft fra Ribe’, in Fra Ribe Amt (1975), pp. 36-61, no. 2.
E. den Hartog, ‘Savaanstraat & Vrouwebroerstraat: Twee valkeneers’, in Archeologisch onderzoek in Gent 2012. Stadsarcheologie. Bodem en monument in Gent, 2, no. 6 (Ghent, 2012), pp. 127-154.
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