Inv. F 37
Journey of the Three Magi; Magi on horseback; attendant with horses; spear. Adoration of the Magi; Virgin holding a stem of flowers. Herod ordering the Massacre of the Innocents; sword; soldier in armour. Massacre of the Innocents. Miracle of the Cornfield; peasant; soldier in armour. Flight into Egypt.
Pinnacles; pilasters.
Darcel and Basilewski 1874: France, 13th century.
Koechlin 1924: France, end of the 1st third of the 14th century.
Kube 1925: France, 14th century.
Leningrad 1973 [Kryzhanovskaya]: France, c. 1320-1330.
Kryzhanovskaya 2014; France, 2nd quarter of the 14th century.
Polychromy - Gilding
Traces of polychromy: painted trefoils in the spandrels and architectural details, lining of garments.
Carved in the round.
Object Condition
Missing: piece in the scene depicting the adoring Magi. Deep cracks.
Some repairs along the edges. Losses on the cover.
Holes for missing fittings.
Said to have been made for the Sainte-Chapelle, Paris (Westwood 1876). Collection of Lord Clifford, London, from 1862. Collection of Alexander Petrovich Basilewski (b. 1829, d. 1899), Paris, from c. 1865; acquired by the Museum in 1885.
Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Works of Art of the Mediaeval, Renaissance, and more recent periods on loan at the South Kensington Museum, revised edition, exhibition catalogue (London, 1863), no. 210, p. 17.
A. Darcel, 'Le Musée rétrospectif', in Gazette des Beaux-Arts (1865), II, p. 297.
Exposition de 1865 au Palais de l'industrie, Union centrale des beaux-arts appliqués à l'industrie (Paris, 1866), no. 325.
Exposition universelle, exhibition catalogue, Paris, 1867, no. 1847.
A. Darcel, A. P. Basilewski, Collection Basilewski. Catalogue raisonné (Paris, 1874), no. 92.
J. O. Westwood, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Fictile Ivories in the South Kensington Museum (London, 1876), p. 409.
A. Darcel, 'Le Moyen Âge et la Renaissance au Trocadéro', in Gazette des Beaux-Arts (1878), II, p. 204.
N. Kondakov, Imperatorskii Ermitazh. Ukazatel' otdeleniia srednikh vekov i epokhi vozrozhdeniia [Guide to the Department of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance of the Imperial Hermitage] (Saint Petersburg, 1891), no. 27, p. 154.
A. N. Kube, Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh. Putevoditel' po otdeleniiu srednikh vekov i epokhi Vozrozhdeniia [State Hermitage Museum. Guide to the Medieval and Renaissance sections] (Saint Petersburg, 1921), p. 10.
R. Koechlin, Les Ivoires gothiques français (Paris, 1924), I, p. 159; II, no. 269.
A. N. Kube, Reznaia kost'. Katalog [Ivory Carvings Catalogue Hermitage], (Leningrad [Saint-Petersburg], 1925), no. 89.
J. Braun, Das christliche Altargerät in seinem Sein und in seiner Entwicklung (Munich, 1932), p. 296.
Gosudarsvenniy Ermitazh. Vystavka frantsuzskogo iskusstva XII-XX vv., exhibition catalogue, Moscow, 1956, p. 146.
Die Kornfeldlegende in Parchim, Lübeck, den Niederlanden, England, Frankreich und Skandinavien (Munich, 1957), ill. 32, p. 184.
Zapadnoevropeiskaia reznaia kost' IX-XIX vekov iz sobraniia Ermitazha: katalog vystavki, exhibition catalogue, Leningrad [Saint Petersburg], The State Hermitage Museum, 1973, no. 172 (with ill.).
Westeuropäische Elfenbeinarbeiten aus der Eremitage Leningrad, exhibition catalogue, Berlin-Köpenick, Kunstgewerbemuseum, 1974, no. 75.
L. Salmina-Haskell, 'Ivory Carvings from the Hermitage' in Burlington Magazine (April 1974), p. 256.
H. W. Hegemann, Erbach, Elfenbeinmuseum. Westeuropäische Elfenbeinarbeiten aus der Eremitage (Leningrad [Saint Petersburg], 1975) p. 1135.
M. Kryzhanovskaya, Western European Medieval Ivories. Catalogue of the Collection (Зaпaднoeврoпeйскaя рeзнaя кoстъ Срeдних вeкoв. Кataлoг кoллeкции), (Saint Peterburg, 2014), no. 76.
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