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Religious. Life of the Virgin. Infancy of Christ. Life of Christ. Passion.
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Toulouse, Musée Paul-Dupuy
Inv. 18037 (Roschach 917)
Ivory;wood (modern, to replace the bottom panel);metal (modern nails, wire and plaques)
Height: 120mm Width: 280mm Depth: 140mm
Register 1: Agony in the Garden (Christ at Gethsemane). Betrayal (Taking of Christ; Kiss of Judas); Christ restores Malchus' ear, cut by saint Peter. Death of Judas (Judas hanging); Flagellation. Crucifixion; swooning Virgin supported by Holy Women; saint John the Evangelist and onlookers holding scrolls; Longinus with spear kneeling in prayer; Stephaton giving Christ vinegar.
Register 2: Raising of Lazarus. Entry into Jerusalem. Last Supper with saint John the Evangelist leaning on Christ's breast; Christ feeding Judas across the table. Christ washing the feet of the apostles.
Body, front
Register 1: Virgin and Joseph; saint Joseph touching the Virgin's belly; angel appearing to Joseph. Visitation. Nativity.
Register 2: Joachim and Anna bring lambs to be sacrificed, but the High Priest rejects their offerings because they are childless. Joachim and Anna distributing alms. Joachim in the wilderness with his shepherds. Meeting at the Golden Gate (Meeting of Joachim and Anna); Annunciation of the birth of the Virgin to Anna by an angel.
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Register 1: Annunciation to the Shepherds. Circumcision.
Register 2: Joachim and Anna; hand of God blessing Anna kneeling in prayer. Birth of the Virgin.
Body, back
Register 1: Adoration of the Magi. Presentation in the Temple; maid holding a candlestick and a basket of doves brought as offerings. Herod ordering the Massacre of the Innocents. Christ among the Doctors.
Register 2: Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple. Virgin weaving with angel; Mary fed by angels. Recruitment of the bridegroom; angel appearing to the high priest (dressed as a bishop) (tbc); Joseph and the flowering stem.
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Register 1: Baptism of Christ. Meal at Bethany (at the house of Simon the Leper) or Christ in the house of Mary and Martha or Marriage-feast at Cana.
Register 2: Betrothal of Joseph and the Virgin. Annunciation.
Pointed trefoils.
Koechlin Number: 0821
Koechlin 1924: France, 2nd half of 14th century.
Object Condition
Missing: bottom, replaced with a wooden panel.
Holes for the missing metal fittings.
Treasury of the Abbey of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse; seized at the Revolution, possibly in 1794 (according to Koechlin, mentioned in a 1794 (an III) catalogue, no. 64, as being in five pieces. Musée des Augustins; transferred in 1892 to the Musée Saint-Raymond; transferred in 1961 to the Musée Paul-Dupuy.
Exposition universelle, exhibition catalogue, Paris, 1867, no. 1756.
Exposition rétrospective, Paris, 1889, no. 129.
Exposition Universelle de 1900, Catalogue illustré Officiel de l'Exposition Rétrospective de l'Art Français (Paris, 1900), no. 171, p. 17.
C. Douais, Documents sur l'ancienne province de Languedoc (Paris, 1904), Vol. II, no. 8.
A. Auriol, Un Coffret d'ivorie gothique conservé au musée Saint-Raymond, Bulletin de la Société Archéologique du Midi de la France (1917-1925), p.71.
R. Koechlin, Les Ivoires gothiques français (Paris, 1924), I, p. 296, 321, 340 & 473, II, no. 821, pl. CXLIII and CXLIV.
A. Fajol, Ivories, Art méridional (September 1936), no. 13, pp. 1-3.
Toulouse et l'art médiéval de la 1830 à 1870, Musée des Augustins (Toulouse, 1982-1983), no 126.
Saint -Sernin de Toulouse, Trésors et métamorphoses, Deux siècles de restaurations 1802-1989, cat. d'exposition, Toulouse, musée Saint - Raymond, (Paris, 1989-1990), no. 145.
P. Julien, De la table des douze apôtres à la conférence des corps-saints, Saint-Sernin de Toulouse, IXème (Toulouse, 1996), p. 203.
Toulouse sur les chemins de Saint Jacques, exhibition catalogue, Toulouse Réfectoire des Jacobins (Toulouse, 1999), no. 250.
P. Williamson and G. Davies, Medieval Ivory Carvings 1200-1550 (London, 2014), in relation to no. 170.
Conway Library © Courtauld Institute of Art.
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