Inv. 10357
Liebgott 1985: Norway, c. 1300-1310.
Liden 1999: Norway, c. 1300-1310.
Museum's opinion 2013: Norway, c. 1300-1310; c. 1435 (wooden frame).
Two hinges on the frame.
Hidden by the frame.
Painted reliefs on the back of the frame
Wing, left: standing Virgin and Child; stem of lilies.
Wing, right: Crucifixion with the Virgin and saint John the Evangelist.
Object Condition
Missing: some of the borders (replaced with wooden strips).
This diptych is made of numerous pieces of ivory kept together by the frame.
Registered in the inventories of Det kgl. Kunstkammer (the Royal Danish Kunstkammer, 1650-1825) of 1674, 1690, 1689. After the Kunstkammer was dissolved the piece appears in the inventory of Museum Regnum of 1699 and 1710. Registered in the inventory of Museet for Nordiske Oldsager (Museum of Northern Antiquities, 1819-1892) of 1845.
T. Kielland, 'Kunsthaandverket i Middelalderen', in Norsk Kunsthistorie I (Oslo, 1925), p. 261.
M. Mackeprang, 'Det saakaldte Christian I's Rejsealter', in Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie (Copenhagen, 1926), pp. 77-98.
Nörge 872-1972, Middelalderkunst fra Norge i andre land [Norwegian Medieval Art Abroad], dir. by M. Blindheim, exhibition catalogue, Oslo, Universitets Oldsaksamling, 1972, p. 10, p. 30.
K. Banning, 'Der Reisealtar des Königs Christian des Ersten. Übersicht und Kommentar', in Sankt Olav, seine Zeit und sein Kult (Visby, 1981), pp. 161-168.
N. K. Liebgott, Elfenben - fra Danmarks Middelalder (Copenhagen, 1985), pp. 49-50, fig. 47.
A. Lidén, Olav den Helige i Medeltida Bildkonst, Legendmotiv och attribut (Stockholm, 1999), p. 195.
L. Karlsson, Medeltida bildkonst (unpublished PhD thesis - ICO, Copenhagen, 2001).
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