Inv. 64 C
Knight in armour on horseback; knight holding a spear; shield.
Supino 1898: French, 12th century.
Goldschmidt 1926 and Florence 1989: Northern Europe, 13th century.
Florence 1989: Northern Europe, 1st half of the 12th century.
Sanvito 2000: Scandinavian, 12th-13th century.
Salerno 2007-2008: Scandinavian, 13th century (?).
Museum's opinion 2012: Northern Europe, 1st half of 13th century.
Carved in the round.
Object Condition
Missing: part of the spear.
Carrand collection: bequeathed by Louis Carrand (d. 1888) to the Museo del Bargello in 1888.
V. Gay, Glossaire archéologique du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance, I (Paris, 1887-1928), p. 596.
I. B. Supino, Catalogo del Regio Museo nazionale di Firenze (Rome, 1898), p. 218, no. 64.
A. Goldschmidt, Die Elfenbeinskulpturen aus deir Zeit der Karolingischen und sächsischen Kaiser (Berlin, 1914-1926), IV, p. 54, no. 264.
L. G. Boccia, 'Costumi guerreschi negli avori Carrand', in Antichità Viva (Florence, 1963), II, pp. 36-39.
Arti del Medioevo e del Rinascimento. Omaggio ai Carrand, 1889-1989, exhibition catalogue, Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, 1989, pp. 239-240, no. 22 (A. Tori).
A. Sanvito, Scacchi e tavole da gioco nella Collezione Carrand (Florence, 2000), pp. 28-29, no. 7.
L'enigma degli avori medievali da Amalfi a Salerno, ed. by F. Bologna, exhibition catalogue, Salerno, Museo Diocesano, 20 December 2007-30 April 2008, II, pp. 462-463, no. 83 (L. Speciale).
Jaime I, rey y caballero, ed. by J. E. Ruiz-Domènec, exhibition catalogue, Valencia, Generalidad Valenciana, 2008, p. 108, no. 6 (A. Reche).
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