Inv. WM XXIa 42
Register 1: Crucifixion; swooning Virgin supported by Holy Women; saint John the Evangelist and onlookers holding scrolls.
Register 2: Adoration of the Magi.
Pointed trefoils in the spandrels.
Museum's opinion 2013: France, 1st half of the 14th century.
Traces of two missing hinges on the left side.
Flat and smooth. White label with inscription: '124'.
Object Condition
Central hole in the upper part of the panel.
Benedectine cloister of St. Michael (Lüneburg); Museum der Lüneburger Ritterakademie (Lüneburg), from 1792 to 1852; Königliche Reliquienkammer der Schloßkapelle (Hannover), from 1952 to 1861; Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum (Hannover), from 1955.
Das Königliche Welfen-Museum zu Hannover im Jahre 1863 (Hannover, 1864), pp. 64, 122.
F. Stuttmann, Der Reliquienschatz der Goldenen Tafel des St. Michaelisklosters in Lüneburg (Berlin, 1937), p. 144, no. 81.
Welfenschatz, Schatz der Goldenen Tafel, Lüneburger Ratssilber, Hildesheimer Silberfund, exhibition catalogue, Hannover Kestner-Museum, 3 December 1956-17 March 1957, no. 79. p. 68.
F. Stuttmann, Mittelalter I: Bronze, Email, Elfenbein (Hannover, 1966), no. pp. 198, 116, no. 118.
R. Marth, Der Schatz der Goldenen Tafel: Kestner-Museum Hannover (Hannover, 1994), pp. 40, 41, 28, 34, no. 26.
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