Inv. F 730
Saint George and the dragon; princess praying; king and queen in castle; skeleton; horse; trees.
Kube 1925: Northern Italy or Southern Germany, 15th century.
Jopek 1997: 1st half of the 15th century.
Kryzhanovskaya 2014: Germany or Netherlands, 1st half of the 15th century.
Flat and smooth. Upper part slightly recessed.
Object Condition
Several vertical cracks.
Missing: tip of George's nose and his spear; right part of the castle at the top.
The upper part of the relief seems to be made of a different piece of ivory.
Hole and traces of glue on the underside.
Collection of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Golitsyn (b. 1806, d. 1860); The Golitsyn Museum, Moscow (no. 286); transferred to the Hermitage in 1886.
Ukazatel' Golitsynskogo muzeia (Moscow, 1886), p. 286.
N. Kondakov, Императорский Эрмитажъ. Указатель отделенія среднихъ вековъ и эпохи возрожденія [Guide to the Department of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance of the Imperial Hermitage] (Saint Petersburg, 1891), no. 86, p. 159.
R. Koechlin, Les Ivoires gothiques français (Paris, 1924), no. 985.
A. N. Kube, Reznaia kost'. Katalog [Ivory Carvings Catalogue Hermitage], (Leningrad [Saint Petersburg], 1925), no. 112.
Zapadnoevropeiskaia reznaia kost' IX-XIX vekov iz sobraniia Ermitazha: katalog vystavki, exhibition catalogue, Leningrad [Saint Petersburg], The State Hermitage Museum, 1973, no. 19.
Westeuropäische Elfenbeinarbeiten aus der Eremitage Leningrad, exhibition catalogue, Berlin-Köpenick, Kunstgewerbemuseum, 1974, no. 7.
Images in Ivory. Precious Objects of the Gothic Age, ed. by Peter Barnet, exhibition catalogue, Detroit, The Detroit Institute of Arts, and Baltimore, The Walters Art Gallery, 1997, no. 86, p. 294 (mistakenly designated as Inv. 2923).
M. Kryzhanovskaya, Western European Medieval Ivories. Catalogue of the Collection (Зaпaднoeврoпeйскaя рeзнaя кoстъ Срeдних вeкoв. Кataлoг кoллeкции), (Saint Peterburg, 2014), no. 133.
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