Inv. F 53
Courting couple (meeting of lovers); couple making a wreath; flowery bush.
Corner terminals: four crouching monsters.
Darcel and Basilewski 1874: France, 14th century.
Kube 1925: France, 14th century.
Kryzhanovskaya 2014: France, 1st third of the 14th century.
Back turned with a depression for (missing) mirror.
Object Condition
Missing: heads of three corner terminals partly missing.
Upper edge chipped. Vertical crack towards the centre (more visible on the reverse).
Collection of Alexander Petrovich Basilewski (b. 1829, d. 1899), Paris, since 1874; acquired by the Museum in 1885.
A. Darcel, A. P. Basilewski, Collection Basilewski. Catalogue raisonné (Paris, 1874), no. 106.
J. O. Westwood, Fictile Ivories in the South Kensington Museum (London, 1876), p. 409.
A. N. Kube, Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh. Putevoditel' po otdeleniiu srednikh vekov i epokhi Vozrozhdeniia [State Hermitage Museum. Guide to the Medieval and Renaissance sections] (Saint Petersburg, 1921), p. 59.
A. N. Kube, Reznaia kost'. Katalog [Ivory Carvings Catalogue Hermitage], (Leningrad [Saint-Petersburg], 1925), no. 100.
Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh. Kratkii spravochnik s planom i 19 tablitsami (Leningrad [Saint Petersburg], 1934), I, p. 96.
Zachodnioeuropejska rzezba z kosci w latach 1100-1290 ze zbiorow Panstwowego Ermitazu v Leningradzie, exhibition catalogue, Warsaw, The National Museum, 1981, no. 15.
E. Nekrasova, Proizvedeniia frantsuzskoi reznoi kosti XIV veka kak pamiatniki srednevekovoi kurtuaznoi kul'tury, PhD thesis (Academy of Arts, Saint Petersburg, 2002), p. 41.
M. Kryzhanovskaya, Western European Medieval Ivories. Catalogue of the Collection (Зaпaднoeврoпeйскaя рeзнaя кoстъ Срeдних вeкoв. Кataлoг кoллeкции), (Saint Petersburg, 2014), no. 102.
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