Heads: kings (including Henry VIII); queens; young woman; youth; emperor (Charles V); pope (Adrian VI).
Pendant: Crucifix.
Foliated decoration.
Museum's opinion 2009: France, c. 1520-1540.
Carved in the round.
Object Condition
Missing: left arm of the cross; 1 bead.
Pope Adrian VI, Henry VIII and Charles V were allied against the king of France François Ier (treatise of 3 August 1523) (note in Debruge-Duménil sale catalogue, Paris, 1849).
Collection of Louis Fidel Debruge-Duménil (b. 1788; d. 1838), Paris (1847): sold, Paris, January-March 1849, lot 172. Collection of Count James-Alexandre de Pourtalès (b. 1776, d. 1855), Switzerland: Pourtalès-Gorgier sale, Paris, 6 February 1865, lot 1517; collection of Auguste Dutuit, Paris: Dutuit bequest to the Museum in 1902.
J. Labarte, Description des objets d'art qui composent la collection Debruge-Duménil (Paris, 1847), no. 172, pp. 460-461.
H. Lapauze, Catalogue sommaire des collections Dutuit (Paris, 1907), p. 248, no. 1280.
A. Fauchier Magnan, C. Gronkowski, H. Lapauze, Catalogue sommaire des collections Dutuit (Paris, 1925), no. 1337.
P. Williamson and G. Davies, Medieval Ivory Carvings 1200-1550 (London, 2014), in relation to no. 166.
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