Inv. 48 C
Knight in armour on horseback; soldier with a staff and shield; two soldiers with shields.
Supino 1898: Scandinavian, 11th century.
Goldschmidt 1926: German, 14th century.
Salerno 2007-2008: German, 14th century.
Museum's opinion 2012: German or Scandinavian, 14th century.
Carved in the round.
Carrand collection (probably the piece mentioned in the catalogue compiled in 1826 for the first antiquarian exhibition held in Lyon: 'Pièce d'échec, en ivoire, formé par d'anciens guerriers français, de travail extrêmement barbare'): bequeathed by Louis Carrand (d. 1888) to the Museo del Bargello in 1888.
I. B. Supino, Catalogo del Regio Museo nazionale di Firenze (Rome, 1898), p. 215, no. 48.
A. Goldschmidt, Die Elfenbeinskulpturen aus deir Zeit der Karolingischen und sächsischen Kaiser (Berlin, 1914-1926), IV, p. 54, no. 268, pl. LXXII.
A. Sanvito, Scacchi e tavole da gioco nella Collezione Carrand (Florence, 2000), pp. 30-31, no. 8.
L'enigma degli avori medievali da Amalfi a Salerno, ed. by F. Bologna, exhibition catalogue, Salerno, Museo Diocesano, 20 December 2007-30 April 2008, II, pp. 460-461, no. 82 (L. Speciale).
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