Register 1: courting couple (meeting of lovers); couple embracing; lady holding a dog; youth chucking his lover under the chin.
Register 2: youth embracing a gesturing lady; lady crowning her lover with a chaplet; offering of the heart (?).
Masks in the spandrels. Border of dentils.
Koechlin 1924: France, 1st half of 14th century.
Schnitzler, Volbach, Bloch 1964: France, c. 1340.
Collection of Didier Petit, Paris (in 1843). Aynard collection, Lyon (no. 178). Collection of Ernst and Martha Kofler-Truniger, Lucerne (by 1964).
R. Koechlin, Les Ivoires gothiques français (Paris, 1924), I, p. 437; II, no. 1220.
H. Schnitzler, F. Volbach, P. Bloch, Skulpturen, Elfenbein, Perlmutter, Stein, Holz Europäisches Mittelalter, Sammlung E. und M. Kofler-Truniger, 2 vols (Lucerne, 1964), no. S.108, p. 30.
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