Inv. 869/364
Standing Virgin and Child; Christ seated on left arm; blessing gesture; Christ in long robe; wreath of flowers; belt.
Gnoli 1919: France, 13th century.
Koechlin 1924: France, end of 13th century.
Pisa 1946: France, 14th century.
Santi 1969: France, end of the 13th century.
Museum's opinion 2011: France, c. 1280-1310.
Polychromy - Gilding
Traces of gilding (along the hems and around the collar of both the Virgin's cloak and Christ's robe). These are more apparent on earlier photographs.
Carved in the round but lower relief on the back.
Object Condition
Missing: right forearm of the Virgin, left hand of Christ, broken fingers on the right hand of Christ.
The wreath is made of a different piece of ivory.
Acquired before 1886 (mentioned in the 1886-1890 inventory) by the Musei Civici, Perugia; passed into the collection of the Galleria Nazionale before 1919.
A. Lupattelli, Indicazione degli oggetti nei musei di antichità Etrusca, Romana e Medioevale esistenti nell'Universita di Perugia (Perugia, 1882), p. 68.
U. Gnoli, 'Avori francesi nella Galleria Nazionale di Perugia', in Bolletino d'arte 13 (1919), pp. 109-110, fig. 1.
R. Koechlin, Les Ivoires gothiques français (Paris, 1924), I, pp. 100, 252; II, no. 70.
G. Cecchini, La Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria in Perugia (Rome, 1932), p. 125.
Mostra della scultura pisana, exhibition catalogue, Pisa, Museo di S. Matteo, July-November 1946, p. 99.
F. Santi, Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria. Dipinti, sculture e oggetti d'arte di età romanica e gotica (Rome, 1969), no. 122.
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