Inv. 158/AV
Tristan and Iseult; Iseult holding a dog; Tristan with a hawk on his wrist; fountain reflecting king Mark's face; heads of monsters.
Koechlin 1924: France, mid-14th century.
Mallé 1969: Italian?
Vitali 1976: France, mid 14th century.
Museum's opinion 2010: France (Paris), c. 1330-1360.
Carved in the round.
Known until 1987 as Inv. 105. Inscription under the base: '4202' and small label '23'.
Bought from Cantoni in 1894-1895 in Milan.
R. Koechlin, Les Ivoires gothiques français (Paris, 1924), I, p. 418; II, no. 1137; III, pl. CXC.
L. Mallé, Smalti-Avori. Museo d'Arte Antica (Turin, 1969), pp. 298-299 (as Inv. 105).
L. Vitali, Avori gotici francesi (Milan, 1976), no. 23.
Le Stanze di Artù, ed. by E. Castelnuovo, exhibition catalogue, Alessandria, Complesso conventuale di San Francesco, ex Ospedale militare, 1999-2000, p. 186, n. 27.
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