Courting couple (meeting of lovers); man wearing a hat; lady holding a chaplet; sword.
Sprinz 1925: France, 14th century.
Frankfurt 1928: France, 14th century.
Recessed to receive the wax, with a raised border.
17th-century painting of the Virgin and Child.
Collection of the Princes of Hohenzollern, Sigmaringen (no. 6149). Robert von Hirsch collection: sold, Sotheby's, London, 22 June 1978, lot 279.
H. Sprinz, Die Bildwerke der Fürstlich Hohenzollernschen Sammlung Sigmaringen (Stuttgart, 1925), no. 14, fig. 8.
Verzeichnis der im Städelschen Kunstinstitut ausgestellten Sigmaringer Sammlungen, exhibition catalogue, Frankfurt, 1928, no. 262.
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