Inv. 5975:1
Foliated interlaced scrolls (rinceaux); hybrids; monsters; shields; coat of arms of Norway; blank coats of arms.
Museum's opinion 2013: Norway (?), c. 1390.
Carved in the round.
The two blank coats of arms posibly were intended to be for the arms of Denmark and Sweden (then united with Norway) to be added at a later date.
Was possibly made for king Erik of Pomerania after he became joint regent to queen Margrete I of Norway in 1388. Given to the museum by count Axel Bjelke in 1876.
Norrøn beinskurd. Benskulptur og hornarbeider i Norge og på Island ca 500-1850, exhibition catalogue, Oslo, Kunstindustrimuseet, February-March 1930, 1930, no. 61 (T. Kielland, H. Grevenor).
T. Kielland, 'Sculpture sur os Norvégienne et Islandaise depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'aux temps modernes', in Acta Archaeologica I (1930), pp. 111-120.
W. Topić-Mersmann, Gotički Lovački rog od Morževe kljove - Ein gotisches Jagdhorn aus Walrosszahn, Studije Muzeja Mimara 5 (Zagreb, 1990), pp. 3-4, fig. 3.
Margrete I, Nordens Frue og Husbond: Kalmarunionen 600 år: essays og udstillingskatalog, ed. by P. Grinder-Hansen, L. Andersson (Copenhagen, 1996), no. 024.
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