Inv. 3847 (3701)
Serra 1929: French, 2nd half of the 14th century.
Morbidoni 2012: France (Paris), 14th century.
Museum's opinion 2013: French, 14th century.
Two hinges.
Polychromy - Gilding
Extensive gilding and polychromy: gold (halo, borders, architectural details, crowns, etc.), black (borders).
Flat and smooth. Chamfered longer edges. Pen inscription on the back of the right panel: '3701' (former inventory number).
Object Condition
Cracked and broken in the hinges area.
Purchased by Giovan Battista Passeri (b. c. 1694, d. 1780) in Fossombrone; donated by him to Annibale degli Abbati Olivieri Giordani (b. 1708, d. 1789); donated by him to the city of Pesaro in 1756.
S. Donati, De' Dittici degli antichi profani e sacri, Libri III (Lucca, 1753), p. 207. Accessible online: [consulted 11/09/2013].
F. Gori, Thesaurus Veterum Diptychorum Consularium et Ecclesiasticorum, 3 vols, (Florence, 1759), III, pp. 209-216 (G. B. Passeri), pl. XIII.
L. Serra, Arte nelle Marche. Dalle origini cristiane alla fine del Gotico (Pesaro, 1929), p. 317.
Atlante del Gotico nelle Marche. Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino (Milan, 2004), I, pp. 118-119 (B. Montevecchi).
La stanza degli avori: preziose creazioni eburnee sacre e profane tra Pesaro e Urbino, exhibition catalogue, Pesaro, Museo Diocesano, 8 May-16 September 2012, pp. 18-19 (M. Morbidoni).
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