Inv. SZM 1444
Museum's opinion 2012: Paris, c. 1350-1375.
Two later hinges.
Object Condition
Holes and recess in the middle of the outer border of each panel presumably to attach a metal clasp which would have kept the diptych closed.
Originally in the Schlesisches Museum für Kunstgewerbe und Altertümer, Breslau (Wrocław); brought to the National Museum in Warsaw in 1945.
F. Heinelt, Elfenbein-Diptichen aus der Neisser gegend 14. Jahrhundert', in Schlesiens Vorzeit in Bild und Schrift II (1875), pp. 121-125.
P. Ratkowska, 'Un petit autel du groupe des diptyques de la Passion au Musée National de Varsovie, XVII-3 (1976), pp. 77-82.
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