Manzari 2008: German (Rhenish; Cologne?), c. 1320-1340.
Two hinges on either side.
Polychromy - Gilding
Traces of gilding and polychromy: the green background may be an indication of the use of a blue pigment; red (flower); bole for gold (crown and hair).
The back of the centre panel is projecting forward so that the cross section of this part is triangular.Wings: flat and smooth.
Object Condition
Central hole in the lower border of the centre panel and on the underside (plugged).
Unknown provenance.
F. Manzari, 'Un trittico eburneo con l'Incoronazione della vergine e i Santi Giovanni Battista ed Evangelista', in Arte Medievale, year 7 (2008), pp. 115-120.
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