Inv. 126 C
Attack on the Castle of Love; ladies and the God of Love defending the Castle of Love; winged God of Love throwing arrows; ladies throwing roses on the attackers; knights in armour fighting with swords; knight lifting his helmet; two heralds in trees blowing trumpets; knight holding a a spear; knight brandishing a club; shields; horses; portcullis.
Corner terminals: lions.
Koechlin 1924: France, 1st half of the 14th century.
Chiesi 2011: France (Paris) or Rhineland, 1300-1330.
Back turned with a depression for (missing) mirror.
Object Condition
Vertical cracks.
Carrand collection: bequeathed by Louis Carrand (d. 1888) to the Museo del Bargello in 1888.
A. Du Sommerard, Les Arts au Moyen Age en ce qui concerne principalement le Palais Romain de Paris, l'Hotel de Cluny issu de ses ruines et les objets d'art de la collection classée dans cet Hotel (Paris, 1838-1846), V, pl. XI.
G. Sangiorgi, La Collection Carrand au Bargello (Rome, 1895), p. 12.
I. B. Supino, Catalogo del Regio Museo nazionale di Firenze (Rome, 1898), p. 238, no. 126.
E. Gerspach, 'La Collection Carrand au musée national de Florence', in Les Arts 32 (August 1904), p. 55, pl. 83.
R. Koechlin, Les Ivoires gothiques français (Paris, 1924), I, p. 408; II, no. 1093.
I Carrand e il collezionismo francese 1820-1888, ed. by P. Barocchi and G. Gaeta Bertelà, exhibition catalogue, Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, 1989, p. 45.
La Storia del Bargello. 100 Capolavori da scoprire, ed. by B. Paolozzi Strozzi and C. Danti (Milan, 2004), pp. 130-131.
B. Chiesi, Catalogo degli avori gotici del Museo Nazionale del Bargello (unpublished PhD thesis - Università degli Studi di Firenze, 2011), pp. 291-301.
P. Williamson and G. Davies, Medieval Ivory Carvings 1200-1550 (London, 2014), in relation to no. 203.
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