Inv. VI 167/150
Youth with a hawk on his wrist.
Bencard 1975: c. 1250-1350.
Carved in the round.
Found in Riga during archaeological excavations on Troksnu Street. Principal investigator: Andris Caune (Institute of the History of Latvia).
M. Vilsone, Muzeja materiali Rigas vesturei. Rigas vestures un kugniecibas muzejs 1773-1973 [ The Museum of the history of Riga and Navigation 1773-1973] (Riga, 1973), pp. 81-175 (p.137).
L. Leciejewicz, ‘O pochodzeniu rogowej rzezby ze Wzgórza Zamkowego w Szczecinie’, in Studia archaeologica Pomeranica, ed. by F. J. Lachowicz (Koszalin, 1974), fig. 2 or 3.
M. Bencard, ‘Om et middelalderligt knivskaft fra Ribe’, in Fra Ribe Amt (1975), pp. 36-61, no. 22-23.
Rīgas arheoloģija 50. Rīgas arheoloģiskās izpētes rezultāti no 1938. līdz 1987 [50 years of Archaeology of Riga. The Results of the Archaeological Investigation in Riga from 1938 to 1987], exhibition catalogue, Riga, 1988, no. 29, 30.
A. Caune, 'Archäologische Zeugnisse von den Kontakten Rigas mit westeuropäischen Ländern und Alt-Russ im 13.-14. Jh.', in The Hansa Town Riga as Mediator between East and West (Riga, 2009), pp. 19-27 (p. 22).
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