Seated Virgin and Child; Christ in long robe; Christ seated on the Virgin's right knee; bench.
Institution's opinion 2015 (Brigitte Roux): French (Ile-de-France), 2nd quarter of the 14th century.
Polychromy - Gilding
Faint traces of gilding and polychromy: ochre bole for gold (Virgin's hair); red (Christ's mouth); pink (later flesh tones). See unpublished condition report by Juliette Levy-Hinstin, June 2014.
Carved in the round.
Object Condition
Hole at the top of the Virgin's head, probably to secure a crown.
A few vertical cracks.
Later recarvings (20th century?): left arm and hair (part of the latter was carved out of the original veil, as is clearly visible when viewed from the back).
Missing: fruit or animal (bird?) originally held by Christ.
Crosshatching on the underside.
Kohn, Monaco, 27 July 2011, lot 18: acquired at this sale by the Gandur Foundation.
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