Inv. F 3403
Seated king; sceptre in the shape of a stem of flower; crown.
Throne with foliated decoration (interlace) and a row of blind arches.
Lapkovskaia 1973: France, 13th century.
Kryzhanovskaya 2014: Norway (?), 13th century.
Carved in the round.
Object Condition
Missing: upper right corner of the back of the throne. The upper left corner seems to have been repaired.
Crown chipped. Discolouration.
Transferred from the Gosudarstvennii Muzeinii Fond (GMF - State Museum Collection) to the Hermitage in 1941.
M. Kryzhanovskaya, Puteshestvie v proshloe po zalam Ermitazha. Iskusstvo zapadnogo srednevekov'ia [Journey into the Past in the Hermitage Rooms. Medieval Art in Western Europe] (Leningrad [Saint Petersburg], 1963), p. 67.
Zapadnoevropeiskaia reznaia kost' IX-XIX vekov iz sobraniia Ermitazha: katalog vystavki, exhibition catalogue, Leningrad [Saint Petersburg], The State Hermitage Museum, 1973, no. 167.
M. Kryzhanovskaya, Western European Medieval Ivories. Catalogue of the Collection (Зaпaднoeврoпeйскaя рeзнaя кoстъ Срeдних вeкoв. Кataлoг кoллeкции), (Saint Peterburg, 2014), no. 58.
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