Estella Marcos 1984: Spain, late 15th century.
The Torre de las Arcas piece was in several publications (Bertaux 1910, Esparza Urroz 2007) confused with a panel once in the church of Pina, in Zaragoza. Koechlin in 1924 also mistakenly stated that his no. 394 was in Torre de las Arcas. This confusion was corrected by Estella Marcos in 1984, as she stressed that the Virgin and Child panel (Koechlin 394) was in the church of Pina de Ebro, near Zaragoza, whereas the Torre de las Arcas piece featured the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist.
Destroyed during the Spanish Civil War in 1936.
J. Cabré Aguiló, Catálogo artistico monumental de la provincia de Teruel (Madrid, 1909-1910, unpublished, deposited at the I.D.V), 4 vols, III, fig. 290.
Accessible online through Simurg, Fondos Digitalizados del CSIC: [accessed 18/09/2014].
E. Bertaux, L'exposition rétrospective de Saragosse. Texte historique et critique (Zaragoza and Paris, 1910), pl. 66.
M.-M. Estella Marcos, La Escultura de marfil en España románica y gótica (Madrid, 1984). pp. 215-216.
J. M. Esparza Urroz, 'El desastre artístico en las Cuencas Mineras durante la guerra civil', en Comarca de las Cuencas Mineras. Gobierno de Aragón (2007), pp. 157-168 (the author mentions a piece with the Virgin and Child as having been destroyed, but this is a confusion and it is the panel with the Crucifixion and Beheading of saint John the Baptist which was at Torre de las Arcas).
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