Here comes the last large upload of new material on the site, as 500 more pieces have just been added!
Among them are some key collections such as The State Hermitage Museum in Saint-Petersburg, the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum in Munich, the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, the Grünes Gewölbe in Dresden, the Museo e Tesoro del Duomo di Monza, but also many small and little known collections, such as that of Oscott College, near Birmingham, or of the Museu del Disseny de Barcelona.
The collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London is now complete and updated, following the publication of the impressive new catalogue by Paul Williamson and Glyn Davies in July 2014.
The Département des Objets d'art at the Musée du Louvre gave us access to their important documentation on the subject of ivories, and we were thus able to enhance a large number of entries, thanks to their assistance.
The Médiathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine in Paris has again tremendously enriched the catalogue with photographs from the archive of Monsieur Koechlin himself!.
The Bibliothèque des arts décoratifs in Paris and the Demotte Archive at the Département des Sculptures at the Musée du Louvre and at the Medieval Department of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York have just made invaluable contributions.
For more on this, see our News section.
Sotheby’s has kindly provided numerous images of objects which passed through their rooms. Numerous entries have been enhanced in particular with new provenance information.
The institutions whose collections are currently accessible through the present web site are followed by the word 'SEARCH'.
- Click on the name of the institution to go to its web site.
- Click on 'SEARCH' to search for their objects in the Gothic Ivories web site.
As the Project makes progress, more of these collections will be accessible, and more institutions will be joining us.
Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria - SEARCH
Innsbruck, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum - SEARCH
Klosterneuburg, Stiftmuseum -
Kremsmünster, Stift Kremsmünster - SEARCH
Linz, Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum -
Salzburg, Kloster Nonnberg -
Salzburg, Salzburg Museum -
Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum -
Zwettl, Stift Zwettl -
Aalst, Hospitaal van de Zusters Augustinessen (Augustinian Convent) -
Antwerp, MAS|Collection Vleeshuis -
Antwerp, Museum Mayer van den Bergh - SEARCH
Bouillon, Musée Ducal - SEARCH
Bruges, Kathedraal Sint-Salvator (St Saviour's Cathedral Treasury) - SEARCH
Bruges, OCMW Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-ter-Potterie - SEARCH
Bruges, OCMW Sint-Janshospitaal - SEARCH
Bruges, Stedelijke Archeologische Dienst (Raakvlak) - SEARCH
Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale/Koninklijke Bibliotheek - SEARCH
Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire - Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst und Geschiedenis (Musée du Cinquantenaire) - SEARCH
Kortrijk, Sint-Michielskerk (Courtrai, Church of Saint Michael) - SEARCH
Ghent, STAM Gent (formerly Bijlokemuseum) - SEARCH
Liège, Le Grand Curtius - SEARCH
Maaseik, Musea Maaseik - SEARCH
Male, St Trudo's Abbey - SEARCH
Maredret, Maredret abbey (Namur province) - SEARCH
Mons, Collections Muséales - SEARCH
Namur, Musée des arts anciens du Namurois - SEARCH
Tournai, Treasury of Notre-Dame Cathedral - SEARCH
Tournai, Musée d'archéologie
Westouter, Church of Saint Eligius (Saint Eloi) - SEARCH
Fredericton (New Brunswick), The Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Hosmer-Pillow-Vaughan Collection - SEARCH
Joliette, Musée d'art de Joliette - SEARCH
Montreal, Musée des Beaux-Arts -Montreal Museum of Fine Arts - SEARCH
Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario - SEARCH
Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum - SEARCH
Toronto, University of Toronto, The Malcove Collection - SEARCH
Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery - SEARCH
Zagreb, Muzej Mimara - SEARCH
Czech Republic
Brno (Brunn), Moravian Gallery - SEARCH
Prague, City of Prague Museum (Muzeum hlavního mesta Prahy) - SEARCH
Prague, Museum of Decorative Arts - SEARCH
Opava, Silesian Museum - SEARCH
Copenhagen, Nationalmuseet - SEARCH
Copenhagen, Thorvaldsens Museum - SEARCH
Frederikssund, J. F. Willumsens Museum - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Hillerød, Det Nationalhistoriske Museum - National Historic Museum - SEARCH
Næstved, Herlufsholm Church - SEARCH
Ribe, Sydvestjyske Museer - SEARCH
Skanderborg, Skanderborg Museum - SEARCH
Tallinn, Tallinn University, Department of the Archaeological Collections of Institute of History - SEARCH
Abbeville, Musée Boucher-de-Perthes - SEARCH
Aillant-sur-Tholon, parish church - SEARCH
Aix-en-Provence, Musée Granet - SEARCH
Amiens, Bibliothèque municipale - SEARCH
Amiens, Musée de Picardie - SEARCH
Angers, Musée des Beaux-Arts - SEARCH
Angers, Musée-château de Villevêque - SEARCH
Arles, Musée départemental Arles antique - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Arras, Musée des Beaux Arts d'Arras - SEARCH
Auxerre, Treasury of Saint-Etienne cathedral - SEARCH
Avignon, Musée du Petit-Palais - SEARCH
Bayonne, Musée Bonnat - SEARCH
Beaune, Hospices civils de Beaune - SEARCH
Besançon, Musée des Beaux-Arts et d’Archéologie - SEARCH
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Château-Musée de Boulogne-sur-Mer - SEARCH
Bourges, Musée du Berry - SEARCH
Brie-Comte-Robert, Centre d’Interprétation du Patrimoine - SEARCH
Caen, Musée des Beaux-Arts - SEARCH
Cambrai, Musée de Cambrai - SEARCH
Carpentras, Bibliothèque-Musée Inguimbertine - SEARCH
Châlons-en-Champagne, Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie - SEARCH
Chambéry, Musées de Chambéry - SEARCH
Chartres, Musée des Beaux Arts - SEARCH
Château-Ponsac, Treasury of the parish church of Saint-Thyrse (formerly Balledent church) - SEARCH
Cherbourg-Octeville, Musée Thomas-Henry - SEARCH
Clermont-Ferrand, Musée d'Art Roger-Quilliot [MARQ] - SEARCH
Colmar, Musée d'Unterlinden - SEARCH
Compiègne, Musée Antoine Vivenel - SEARCH
Deux-Acren, Church of Saint-Martin - SEARCH
Dijon, Musée des Beaux Arts - SEARCH
Douai, Musée de la Chartreuse - SEARCH
Dunkerque, Musée des Beaux Arts - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Écouen, Musée national de la Renaissance - SEARCH
Épinal, Bibliothèque multimédia intercommunale Épinal-Golbey - SEARCH
Fécamp, Musée de Fécamp - SEARCH
Fécamp, Palais Bénédictine - SEARCH
Friesenheim, Church of Notre-Dame de Neunkirch - SEARCH
Grenoble, Musée de Grenoble - SEARCH
Guéret, Musée d'Art et d'Archéologie - SEARCH
Harnes, Musée de l'Histoire et d'Archéologie - SEARCH
Issoudun, Musée de l'Hôpital Saint-Roch - SEARCH
Langres, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Guy-Baillet - SEARCH
Langres, Saint-Mammès Cathedral Treasury - SEARCH
Laval, Musée du Vieux-Château - SEARCH
Le Mans, Musée de Tessé - SEARCH
Lille, Cathedral of Notre-Dame de la Treille - SEARCH
Lille, Palais des Beaux Arts - SEARCH
Lyon, Musée des Beaux Arts - SEARCH
Lyon, Saint-Jean Cathedral - SEARCH
Marseille, Musée Grobet-Labadié - SEARCH
Mehun-sur-Yèvre, Musée Charles VII - SEARCH
Metz, Cathedral Treasury - SEARCH
Metz, Musée de la Cour d'Or - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Montbrison, La Diana - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Montpellier, Musée Fabre - SEARCH
Montpellier, Société Archéologique de Montpellier - Musée Languedocien - SEARCH
Nancy, Musée Lorrain - SEARCH
Nantes, Musée Thomas Dobrée - SEARCH
Nantes, Musée du château des ducs de Bretagne
Narbonne, Musée d'art et d'histoire - SEARCH
Niort, Musée Bernard d'Agesci - SEARCH
Noirétable, parish church - SEARCH
Orléans, Musée des Beaux-Arts - SEARCH
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), Département des Manuscrits and Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques - SEARCH
Paris, Musée des arts décoratifs - SEARCH
Paris, Musée de Cluny-Musée national du Moyen Âge - SEARCH
Paris, Musée du Louvre -
Paris, Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Paris - SEARCH
Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André - SEARCH
Périgueux, Musée d'Art et d'Archéologie - SEARCH
Poitiers, Musée de Poitiers - SEARCH
Pont-Saint-Esprit, Musée d’art sacré du Gard - SEARCH
Pradelles, parish church - SEARCH
Rheims, Musée Historique Saint Rémi - SEARCH
Rheims, Palais du Tau - SEARCH
Riaucourt-Chaumont, parish church of Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption - SEARCH
Riom, Musée Mandet - SEARCH
Rouen, Bibliothèque Jacques Villon - SEARCH
Rouen, Notre-Dame Cathedral Treasury - SEARCH
Rouen, Musée Départemental des Antiquités de la Seine-Maritime - SEARCH
Rouvres-en-Plaine, parish church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Saint-Denis, Unité d'archéologie de la Ville - SEARCH
Saint-Hilaire, church (formerly Saint-Hilaire abbey) - SEARCH
Saint-Omer, Musée de l'Hôtel Sandelin - SEARCH
Saint-Quentin, Musée Antoine Lécuyer - SEARCH
Sens, Trésor de la Cathédrale (Cathedral Treasury)- SEARCH
Selles-sur-Cher, Presbytery - SEARCH
Strasbourg, Musée de l’Oeuvre Notre-Dame - SEARCH
Toulon, Service régional de l'archéologie du Var - SEARCH
Toulouse, Musée Paul Dupuy - SEARCH
Troyes Cathedral - SEARCH
Troyes, Musée Saint-Loup - SEARCH
Valenciennes, Musée des Beaux-Arts - SEARCH
Vannes, Musée d'histoire et d'archéologie - SEARCH
Verdun, Notre-Dame cathedral - SEARCH
Verdun, Musée de la Princerie - SEARCH
Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, Musée Pierre de Luxembourg - SEARCH
Vion, Basilique Notre-Dame du Chêne - SEARCH
Aachen, Suermondt-Ludwig Museum - SEARCH
Augsburg, Maximilianmuseum - SEARCH
Bamberg, Historisches Museum - SEARCH
Berlin, Deutsches Historisches Museum - SEARCH
Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum - SEARCH
Berlin, Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst - SEARCH
Bonn, LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn - SEARCH
Bremen, Focke-Museum - SEARCH
Brunswick (Braunschweig), Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum - SEARCH
Cologne, Kolumba, Kunstmuseum des Erzbistums Köln - SEARCH
Cologne, Museum für Angewandte Kunst - SEARCH
Cologne, Schnütgen Museum - SEARCH
Cologne, St Ursula Schatzkammer - SEARCH
Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum - SEARCH
Detmold, Lippisches Landesmuseum - SEARCH
Dortmund, Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Dresden, Grünes Gewölbe - SEARCH
Erbach, Deutsches Elfenbeinmuseum - SEARCH
Essen, Museum Folkwang - SEARCH
Essen, Ruhrland Museum - SEARCH
Frankfurt, Historisches Museum - SEARCH
Frankfurt, Liebieghaus - SEARCH
Frankfurt, Museum für Angewandte Kunst - SEARCH
Gotha, Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein - SEARCH
Halberstadt, Cathedral Treasury - SEARCH
Hamburg, Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Hamburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe - SEARCH
Hameln, Museum Hameln - SEARCH
Hannover, Museum August Kestner - SEARCH
Hildesheim, Dom-Museum Hildesheim and Treasury of the church of Saint-Godehard - SEARCH
Karlsruhe, Badisches Landesmuseum - SEARCH
Kassel, Hessisches Landesmuseum, Sammlung Angewandte Kunst - SEARCH
Leipzig, GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst - SEARCH
Lübeck, Kunsthalle St. Annen - SEARCH
Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum - SEARCH
Marburg, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte - SEARCH
Mönchengladbach, Münster Saint Vitus - Schatzkammer - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Munich, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum - SEARCH
Munich, Bayerisches Staatsbibliothek - SEARCH
Münster, Stadtmuseum Münster - SEARCH
Münster, Westfälisches Landesmuseum - SEARCH
Nuremberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum - SEARCH
Ochtrup-Langenhorst, Augustinian Convent - SEARCH
Oldenburg, Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte - SEARCH
Paderborn, Erzbischöfliches Diözesanmuseum - SEARCH *** NEW MATERIAL***
Regensburg, Cathedral Treasury
Regensburg, Historisches Museum - SEARCH
Schwerin, Staatliches Museum -
Solingen, Deutsches Klingenmuseum - SEARCH
Stuttgart, Landesmuseum Württemberg - SEARCH
Trier, Museum am Dom Trier - SEARCH<
Weimar, Klassik Stiftung -
Worms, Heylshof Museum
Budapest, Iparmuvészeti Múzeum - Museum of Applied Arts - SEARCH
Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum - Museum of Fine Arts - SEARCH
Reykjavik, National Museum- SEARCH
Dublin, National Museum of Ireland - SEARCH
Limerick, The Hunt Museum - SEARCH
Arezzo, Museo Nazionale d'Arte Medievale e Moderna - SEARCH
Assisi, Museo del Tesoro della Basilica di San Francesco - SEARCH
Avezzano, Curia Diocesana - SEARCH
Bologna, Museo Civico Medievale - SEARCH
Bologna, Museo della Basilica Santuario di Santo Stefano - - SEARCH
Brescia, Musei Civici d’Arte e Storia di Brescia - SEARCH
Capri, Parrocchia ex cattedrale Santo Stefano Protomartire - SEARCH
Cremona, Museo Ala Ponzone- SEARCH
Fiesole, Museo Bandini - SEARCH
Florence, Museo Horne - SEARCH
Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello - SEARCH
Fossano, Cathedral of Santa Maria e San Giovenale - SEARCH <
La Spezia, Museo Amedeo Lia - SEARCH
Mantua, Museo Diocesano Francesco Gonzaga - SEARCH
Milan, Castello Sforzesco - SEARCH
Milan, Museo del Duomo - SEARCH
Modena, Galleria Estense - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Monza, Museo e Tesoro del Duomo di Monza - SEARCH
Naples, Museo di Capodimonte - SEARCH
Naples, Museo Duca di Martina - SEARCH
Oropa (Biella), Treasury of the Santuario - SEARCH
Padua, Musei Civici, Museo d'Arte, Arti Applicate e Decorative - SEARCH
Palermo, Galleria Interdisciplinare Regionale della Sicilia di Palazzo Abatellis - SEARCH
Pavia, Musei Civici - SEARCH
Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria - SEARCH
Pesaro, Biblioteca e Musei Oliveriani - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Portovenere (La Spezia), Parish Church of San Lorenzo - SEARCH
Pisa, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo - SEARCH
Ravenna, Museo Nazionale di Ravenna - SEARCH
Rieti, Museo dei Beni Ecclesiastici della Diocesi di Rieti - SEARCH
Rome, Museo Francescano - SEARCH
Rome, Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia - SEARCH
Rome, Vatican, Musei Vaticani - SEARCH
Rome, Vatican, Museo Storico Artistico della Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano - Museo del Tesoro
Sassoferrato, Raccolta Perottiana - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Siena, Museo dell'Opera della Metropolitana - SEARCH
Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale - SEARCH
Trani, Museo dell'Arcidiocesi di Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie-Nazareth - SEARCH
Treviso, Museo Diocesano di Arte Sacra - SEARCH
Turin, Palazzo Madama-Museo Civico d’Arte Antica - SEARCH
Urbino, Museo Diocesano Albani - SEARCH
Verona, Museo della Fondazione Miniscalchi-Erizzo - SEARCH
Venice, Fondazione Cini - SEARCH
Venice, Museo Correr - SEARCH
Volterra, Pinacoteca Civica di Volterra - SEARCH
Riga, Rigas vestures un kugniecibas muzejs - SEARCH
Vilnius, Church Heritage Museum - SEARCH
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum - SEARCH
Enschede, Rijksmuseum Twenthe - SEARCH
Leeuwarden, Fries Museum - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Maastricht, Basiliek van Onze-Lieve-Vrouw - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Maastricht, Treasury of the Basilica of Saint Servatius - SEARCH
Maastricht, Bonnefanten Museum - SEARCH
Nijmegen, Museum Het Valkhof - SEARCH
Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans-Van Beuningen - SEARCH
s'-Heerenberg, Huis Bergh Castle - SEARCH
The Hague, Museum Meermanno - SEARCH
Uden, Museum voor religieuze Kunst- SEARCH
Utrecht, Catharijneconvent Museum - SEARCH
Oslo, Kulturhistorisk Museum - Oldsaksamlingen- SEARCH
Oslo, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design - The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design - SEARCH
Cracow, Czartoryski Museum - SEARCH
Cracow, Cathedral Treasury - SEARCH
Cracow, Wawel Royal Castle - SEARCH
Kórnik, Kórnik Castle Library - SEARCH
Warsaw, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie - SEARCH
Wroclaw (Breslau), Schlesisches Museum - SEARCH
Cárquere, Church of Nossa Senhora de Cárquere - SEARCH
Évora, Museu de Arte Sacra da Catedral - SEARCH
Lisbon, Museu Calouste-Gulbenkian
Lisbon, Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Saint Petersburg, The State Hermitage Museum - SEARCH
Saratov, Radischev Historical Museum - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Veliky Novgorod, The Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve - SEARCH
Allariz (Orense), Museo de Arte Sacro del Real Monasterio de Santa Clara - SEARCH
Ambel, Palacio-Convento de Ambel - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Avila, Museo Catedralicio - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Barcelona, Museu del Disseny de Barcelona - SEARCH
Barcelona, Museu Frederic Marès - SEARCH
Barcelona, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya - SEARCH
Burgos, Museo Catedralicio - SEARCH
Burgos, Palacios de Benaver, Monasterio de San Salvador - SEARCH
León, Museo de León - SEARCH
Madrid, Fundación Lázaro Galdiano - SEARCH
Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional - SEARCH
Madrid, Museo de Artes Decorativas - SEARCH
Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado - SEARCH
Madrid, Instituto Valencia de Don Juan - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Mahón, Museo de Menorca - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Málaga, Museo de Málaga - SEARCH
Ourense, Museo Arqueológico Provincial - SEARCH
Oviedo, Cathedral, Cámara Santa - SEARCH
Pina de Ebro (Zaragoza), parish church - SEARCH
Salamanca, Museo Diocesano de la Catedral Vieja- SEARCH
San Lorenzo del Escorial, Real Sitio de San Lorenzo del Escorial - SEARCH
Santiago de Compostela, Museo Catedral de Santiago de Compostela - SEARCH
Seville, Cathedral, Capilla Real- SEARCH
Solsona, Museu Diocesà i Comarcal - SEARCH
Toledo, Cathedral treasury - SEARCH
Torre de las Arcas (Teruel), parish church of San Miguel - SEARCH
Valencia, Museu d'Història de València-Museo de Historia - SEARCH
Valladolid, Museo de Valladolid - SEARCH
Vic, Museu Episcopal de Vic - SEARCH
Villacarralón, Church of Santa Maria de la Asunción - SEARCH
Zamora, Zamora Cathedral - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Lund, Kulturen - SEARCH
Lund, Universitets Historiska Museum - SEARCH
Stockholm, Historiska museet (The Swedish History Museum) - SEARCH
Fondation Gandur pour l'Art (Switzerland) - SEARCH
Basel, Historisches Museum Basel - SEARCH
Bern, Historisches Museum - SEARCH
Fribourg (Freiburg), Treasury of Saint-Nicolas Cathedral - SEARCH
Geneva, Bibliothèque de Genève - SEARCH
Geneva, Musée d’art et d’histoire - SEARCH
Lausanne, Musée historique de Lausanne - SEARCH
Riggisberg, Abegg-Stiftung - SEARCH
Saint-Maurice d'Agaune, Abbey Treasury - SEARCH
Sarnen, Benediktiner-Kollegium Sarnen -
Sion (Valais), Cathedral Treasury - SEARCH
Zürich, Swiss National Museum - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Kiev, The Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Art - SEARCH
United Kingdom
Alnwick Castle, Collections of the Duke of Northumberland - SEARCH
Birmingham, The Barber Institute of Fine Arts - SEARCH
Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Birmingham, Oscott College - SEARCH
Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum - SEARCH
Cardiff, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Coventry, Herbert Art Gallery and Museum - SEARCH
*** NEW *** Edinburgh, National Museum of Scotland - SEARCH
Gedney (Lincolnshire), Church of Saint Mary Magdalene - SEARCH
Glasgow, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum - SEARCH
Glasgow, The Burrell Collection - SEARCH
Lewes, Barbican House Museum - SEARCH
Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery - SEARCH
London, The British Library - SEARCH
London, The British Museum - SEARCH
London, The Courtauld Gallery - SEARCH
London, The Cuming Museum - SEARCH
London, The Museum of London - SEARCH
London, Tower of London (Royal Armouries) - SEARCH
London, Victoria and Albert Museum - SEARCH *** NOW FULLY UPDATED AND COMPLETE ***
London, The Wallace Collection - SEARCH
London, The Wernher Collection, Ranger's House (English Heritage) - SEARCH
Manchester, The John Rylands Library - SEARCH
Michelham, Michelham Priory - SEARCH
Norwich, Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery - SEARCH
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum - SEARCH
Perth, Perth Museum and Art Gallery - SEARCH
Peterborough, Peterborough City Museum and Maxwell Art Gallery
Polesden Lacey, Flint Cottage Collection (The National Trust) - SEARCH
Salisbury, Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum - SEARCH
Southampton City Council Arts and Heritage - SEARCH
Wraxall, Tyntesfield (The National Trust) - SEARCH
Tewkesbury Abbey (Gloucestershire) - SEARCH
Waddesdon, The Rothschild Collection (The National Trust) - SEARCH
United States
Baltimore, Walters Art Museum - SEARCH
Bloomfield Hills (Michigan), Cranbrook Art Museum - SEARCH
Bloomington, Indiana University Art Museum - SEARCH
Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum - SEARCH
Boston, Museum of Fine Arts - SEARCH
Brunswick, Bowdoin College Museum of Art - SEARCH
Bryn Athyn, Glencairn Museum - SEARCH
Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard Art Museum - SEARCH
Chicago, Chicago Art Institute - SEARCH
Chicago, Loyola University Museum of Art - SEARCH
Cincinnati (Ohio), Cincinnati Art Museum - SEARCH
Cincinnati (Ohio), Taft Museum - SEARCH
Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Art - SEARCH
Columbia (Missouri), Museum of Art and Archaeology - SEARCH
Denver, Denver Art Museum - SEARCH
Detroit, Detroit Institute of Arts - SEARCH
East Lansing, Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum (formerly Kresge Art Museum) - SEARCH
Flushing, New York, The Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Queens College (CUNY) - SEARCH
Greenville, Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery - SEARCH
Grosse Point Shores (Michigan), Edsel and Eleanor Ford House - SEARCH
Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum - SEARCH
Honolulu, Honolulu Museum of Art - SEARCH
Houston, Museum of Fine Arts - SEARCH
Indianapolis, Indianapolis Museum of Art - SEARCH
Ithaca, Cornell University, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art - SEARCH
Kansas City, Nelson-Atkins Museum - SEARCH
Lawrence, Spencer Museum of Art - SEARCH
Louisville, The Speed Art Museum - SEARCH
Milwaukee, Milwaukee Art Museum - SEARCH
Minneapolis, Minneapolis Institute of Arts - SEARCH
Nashville, Fine Arts Gallery, Vanderbilt University - SEARCH
New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery - SEARCH
New London, Lyman Allyn Art Museum - SEARCH
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art - SEARCH
New York, Morgan Library and Museum - SEARCH
Northampton, Smith College Museum of Art - SEARCH
Notre Dame, Snite Museum of Art - SEARCH
Oberlin, Allen Memorial Art Museum - SEARCH
Philadelphia, The Barnes Foundation - SEARCH
Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art - SEARCH
Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum of Art - SEARCH
Princeton, Princeton University Art Museum - SEARCH
Providence, Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design - SEARCH
Raleigh, North Carolina Museum of Art - SEARCH
Richmond, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts - SEARCH
Rochester, Memorial Art Gallery - SEARCH
Sacramento, Crocker Art Museum - SEARCH
Saint Louis, The Saint Louis Art Museum - SEARCH
Saint Petersburg (Florida), Museum of Fine Arts - SEARCH
San Francisco, The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco- SEARCH
Seattle, Seattle Art Museum- SEARCH
South Hadley (Massachusetts), Mount Holyoke College Art Museum - SEARCH
Toledo, The Toledo Museum of Art - SEARCH
Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois, Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion - SEARCH
Washington, National Gallery of Art - SEARCH
Washington, Smithsonian American Art Museum - SEARCH
Wellesley (Massachusetts), Wellesley College, Davis Museum and Cultural Center - SEARCH
Williamstown (Massachusetts), Williams College Museum of Art - SEARCH
Worcester (Massachusetts), Worcester Museum of Art - SEARCH
- to see all unlocated pieces, enter "unknown location" in the Current location field of the Advanced Search page, or click HERE.
- to see all pieces in private collections, enter "private collection" in the Current location field of the Advanced Search page, or click HERE.
- to see all pieces found in an archaeological context, enter "found" in the Provenance field of the Advanced Search page (drop-down menu) .
- to see everything, click on GO at the top of this page, leaving the Quicksearch field empty.
Last updated: 26 June 2015.
Photographic Agencies and Other Contributing Institutions