Collaborating Institutions
Photographic Agencies and Other Contributing Institutions
Barcelona, Fundació Institut Amatller d'Art Hispànic. Arxiu Mas
The Arxiu Mas provided numerous historical photographs of artworks in collections all around Spain.
Brussels, Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium/Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique (KIK/IRPA)
The KIK/IRPA particularly contributed images of art works in Belgian collections.
Cologne, Rheinisches Bildarchiv
The Rheinisches Bildarchiv provided all the images for the Schnütgen Museum in Cologne, and many more.
Marburg, Bildarchiv Foto Marburg. Deutsches Dokumentionszentrum für Kunstgeschichte
Like the Rheinisches Bildarchiv, the Bildarchiv Foto Marburg contributed a number of images for collections in Germany.
Paris, Agence Photographique-Réunion des Musées Nationaux
The RMN generously contributed to the project by providing thousands of images for the collections of the Musée du Louvre and the Musée du Moyen Age in Paris, but also for some collections outside Paris, such as Abbeville or Lille.
Paris, Médiathèque de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine
This essential resource provided us numerous images of classified objects scattered all over France in parish churches, cathedral treasuries, etc. It also contributed many images from the Koechlin photographic archive : for more information, see also HERE.
Sotheby's contributed to the project several hundreds images of objects sold in their rooms, mostly in recent years.
Paris, Département des Objets d'Art du Musée du Louvre
The Département des Objets d'Art du Musée du Louvre gave us unprecedented access to their extensive documentation on Gothic ivories, thus allowing us to enhance tremendously the entries you see online.
Last updated: 5 February 2015.