Paris, La Conciergerie, 8 October 2014-11 January 2015
Saint Louis, 800e Anniversaire
Cologne, Museum Schnütgen, 25 October 2014-25 January 2015
Die Heiligen Drei Könige. Mythos, Kunst und Kult
Florence, Galleria dell'Accademia, 24 June-8 December 2014
La Fortuna dei Primitivi: Tesori d'arte dalle collezioni fra sette e ottocento.
Florence, Museo degli Argenti, 16 July - 3 November 2013
Diafane Passioni. Avori barocchi dalle corti europee
This exhibition, curated by Eike D. Schmidt and Maria Sframeli, centred around the Medici collection of ivories now at the Museo degli Argenti in Florence. Beginning with the Quattrocento, it then moved on to the Baroque period with the works of artists such as Leonhard Kern, François Duquesnoy and Georg Petel. An important section was also dedicated to the production of carved ivories in Portuguese and Spanish colonies in Asia, including Goa.
Turin, Palazzo Madama, 7 June - 13 October 2013
Il Collezionista di Meraviglie: l'Ermitage di Basilewsky
An exhibition focused on the amazing collection of Alexander Petrovic Basilewsky now kept at the Hermitage in St Petersburg.
Publication: Il Collezionista di Meraviglie: l'Ermitage di Basilewsky, E. Pagella, R. Rappe (dir.) (Turin, 2013).
Saint-Omer, Musée de l'hôtel Sandelin, 5 April - 30 June 2013 and Paris, Musée de Cluny - Musée national du Moyen Âge, 17 April - 15 July 2013.
Une Renaissance. L'Art entre Flandre et Champagne 1150-1250
A fascinating exhibition fostering a vibrant dialogue between art works in different media: manuscripts, metalwork, monumental and small-scale sculpture are all represented, with a few Gothic ivory statuettes on display at the Musée de Cluny (including the Virgin and Child featuring on this page).
Publication: Une Renaissance. L'Art entre Flandre et Champagne 1150-1250, C. Descatoire, M. Gil and M.-L. Marguerite (dir.) (Paris, 2013).
More details here and here.
Note: For those of you who visit the Saint-Omer part of this exhibition, do not miss another small exhibition of medieval manuscripts currently at the Bibliothèque d’Agglomération de Saint-Omer, Splendeurs et lumières des bibliothèques ecclésiastiques audomaroises au Moyen Âge (IXe-XVIe s.), 5 April-30 June 2013.
Publication: R. Cordonnier, Splendeurs et lumières des bibliothèques ecclésiastiques audomaroises au Moyen Âge (IXe-XVIe s.)(Arques, 2013).
More details here.
Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, 6 November 2012-17 February 2013
L'art d'aimer au Moyen Âge. Le Roman de la rose
The exhibition mainly focused on manuscripts, but a few ivories with romance imagery were also on display, including pieces on loan from the Musée de Cluny.
Publication: Le Roman de la rose, l’art d’aimer au Moyen Âge, dir. M.-H. Tesnière and N. Coilly (Paris, 2012).
Paris, Musée de Cluny, 28 November 2012-4 March 2013
Art du jeu, jeu dans l'art. De Babylone à l'Occident Médiéval
The exhibition displayed a number of ivory and bone pieces, including a knife handle with an unusual depiction of a kneeling young man playing dice, which was excavated at Saint-Denis in 1982.
Publication: Art du jeu, jeu dans l'art. De Babylone à l'Occident médiéval (Paris, 2012).
For more details, see HERE.
Frankfurt am Main, Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung, 3 February-26 June 2011
Elfenbein. Barocke Pracht am Wiener Hof
Publication: M. Bückling and S. Haag, Elfenbein. Barocke Pracht am Wiener Hof, exhibition catalogue, Frankfurt am Main, 2011.
Zürich, Museum Rietberg, 28 November 2010-13 March 2011
Ivories from Ceylon: Luxury Goods from the Renaissance.
Publication: A. Jordan Gschwend and J. Beltz, Elfenbeine aus Ceylon: Luxusgüter für Katharina von Habsburg (1507-1578), exhibition catalogue, Zürich, 2010.
Bruges, Memling in Sint-Jan-Hospitaalmuseum, 29 April 2010-7 November 2010
Ivory in Bruges: Treasures from museums, churches and monasteries.
Publication: S. Vandenberghe, Ivory in Bruges: Treasures from museums, churches and monasteries, exhibition catalogue, Bruges, 2010.
Munich, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, 27 March-17 October 2010
Mittelalterliche Elfenbeinarbeiten im Dialog: Die Sammlung des Hessischen Landesmuseums Darmstadt zu Gast im Bayerischen Nationalmuseum
Publication: T. Jülich, Die mittelalterlichen Elfenbeinarbeiten des Hessischen Landesmuseums Darmstadt, exhibition catalogue, Regensburg, 2007.
Paris, Musée de Cluny-Musée national du Moyen Âge, 10 February-24 May 2010
Paris, ville rayonnante featured a small selection of ivory pieces.
Publication: Paris, ville rayonnante. Architecture et sculpture des églises parisiennes au XIIIe siècle, exhibition catalogue, Paris, Musée de Cluny-Musée national du Moyen Âge, 2010.
Murcia, Sala San Esteban, 27 October 2009-31 January 2010
The exhibition Alfonso X el Sabio, held in Murcia, comprised a few ivory artefacts from Spanish collections including the famous Seville 'Virgen de las Batallas'.
Publication: Alfonso X el Sabio, exhibition catalogue, Murcia, Sala San Esteban, 2009.
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 20 October 2009-24 January 2010
La Légende du roi Arthur displayed a number of splendid ivory caskets and mirror cases all coming from the collections of the Louvre Museum and Cluny Museum, to the exception of two late 14th-century plaques, fragments of a comb reused in the 19th century to adorn the cover of a medieval manuscript now in the Bibliothèque nationale.
Publication: La Légende du roi Arthur, dir. by T. Delcourt, exhibition catalogue, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2009.
Last updated: 26 January 2015.